Sonic The Hedgehog: The remixes -- features remixes and remasters from The Cynic Project

The Cynic Project is uplifting trance | dance | ambient | chillout music by Alex Smith.

Watch my YouTube videos
Listen to my Sonic remixes if you enjoy the sonic music, you might like my other site, which features relaxing ambient music and female vocals

Download all 50 Sonic Remixes in a .zip file (Updated September 2020!)

500 MB zip file contains 50+ mp3s. including remixes and remastered versions recorded in 4 track from sega gensis emulator. Each track was mastered through ozone 3 and trash, back when it was a distortion plugin : )


The Hedgehog

More Music

Purchase The Cynic Project Ultimate Collection
The collection features every song I've ever made.

Listen on iTunes and Amazon. Face me on likebook.